Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Literacy and Tattoos!~

Growing up in my very conservative home, I never ever considered getting a tattoo!  It was something I just never thought about.  However, after learning about digital tattoos, I realized I have tattoo, a digital tattoo!
It was unnerving at first.  As I learned about this, I didn't realize all those sites and social media "stuff" I was getting involved in, left so may imprints for....ever!~  You just never stop to think that all the sites and media connections you visit is actually creating your profile.  It's drawing out a picture of you!

In a way, it was scary thinking nothing is private anymore. Anyone can find information about me, and I can find information on just about anybody I want! This is too much information out there in the open!~ It was a good reminder to be cautious about what I put out there in the digital world.

This is why we need to learn good media literacy skills!  Not only should we be careful about what we put into the media world. We need to learn and be wise about what we get out of it.   The media world manipulates our thinking, our feelings, and our decisions.  Messages that are put out through the media are not to help us.  Rather, they are big companies making money for themselves. It is self serving and deceiving.  These messages create a false belief which causes us to buy, do, and consume! 

To combat this, we need to be aware and think critically on the information we are fed. This is especially important for our young people because they, more than anyone else in history, are inundated with commercial, ads, video games, movies etc.  We need to learn and teach others what these things are really trying to say and their purpose in doing so.

We all need to be alert, be wise and learn to practice good literacy skills!


  1. Luckily, I can't imagine anyone having a negative impression of you, no matter how detailed your tattoo is... you're a gem, SLim!

    1. Ahhh!~It takes one to know one!~ : ) Love ya, Lady!~

  2. Very nice post. I like how you made the comment that you actually have a tattoo- great tie-in!

    1. Thanks, Nicole!~ Sorry about all the typos!~ kkkk!~

  3. I have to say, I am surprised to know you did not know the digital imprint your were leaving. I guess that it should not be shocking to realize are students are in the same boat. Thanks for this very honest post!

  4. I agree that computer use seems so anonymous, but isn't at all. That's why so many people have gotten in so much trouble over email and technology use and we need to keep teaching our students to be cautious.
